Finding Your Roots - Intro to Genealogy Class beginning 9/16


New York City


$80 (sliding scale available)

Posted 23 days ago

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Have you ever been curious about your family history but intimidated by roadblocks to begin researching it in-depth?

Sign up for the Finding Your Roots fall class, held Mondays 6:30-8pm in Bushwick beginning September 16.

Over 7 sessions, you will get a crash course in family history research including online research techniques as well as best practices for collecting oral histories, digitizing and organizing analog media, and making use of AI and ML tools to translate non-English materials.

By the end of the class, not only will you have vividly filled in the outlines of your ancestry and created a physical memento to share and/or preserve, but you will take away valuable historical research skills that will serve you far beyond genealogy.

About this Lister

My name is Allegra and I'm passionate about historical research, family history, and using digital resources to illuminate the past. Genealogy has become a lifeline for me since my father passed away and I'm eager to pass on the skills I have learned in order to show people how exciting and fascinating exploring your family history can be.

Background and Expertise

I have a MA in Experimental Humanities from NYU where I pursued archival historical research and received the Graduate Digital Humanities fellowship in 2022. I've presented my research at various conferences and institutions, and been published in academic journals.


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