Large Room in Victorian Mansion in Bushwick for Sublet Oct/Nov

Rooms for Sublet



Bushwick, brooklyn


October 1, 2024 - December 1, 2024


250 sq. ft.

The House:

- 1890’s Victorian Mansion, 5 min walk from Myrtle Broadway JMZ trains
- 8 Bedrooms, 4 full bathrooms, 2.5 kitchens, 3 living rooms, 1 finished basement (4 floors total)
- 8 Roommates total, currently 5 men and 4 women, LGBTQ friendly.
- 2 Washers, 2 Dryers in unit
- Front outdoor area, back outdoor area, rooftop
- Garage (bikes only, no cars)
- Gas radiator heat plus space heaters, no central air
- 5 min walk to J, M, Z, 15 min to L
- 2 min walk to bike shop, multiple delis, an abundance of bars, restaurants, grocery stores, coffee shops, etc. Directly across the street from Hart Bar. In other words, mighty convenient.
- 420 friendly
- Most roommates are in the entertainment / arts / music industry

My Room (which is actually 2 rooms!):

- 2nd Floor corner (farthest from kitchen, so minimal noise from other roommates)
- Smaller bedroom with bed and dresser (will be cleared out)
- Larger “studio” room with couch, desks, TV
- Total square footage unknown, but probably about double the average "large bedroom" in sq ft.
- Many large windows in the studio room, I put sound baffling in them that I can take out upon request.
- One large window in bedroom with blackout curtain
- Additional organizational shelving
- Space heaters/AC units in each room

House Culture:

Although there are a lot of people, there is even MORE space to make up for it. For that reason, you would be a great fit if you like having a lot of personal/common space but also enjoy having roommates and interacting/sharing. We rent the entire building, and thus living in our house will be a bit different than your typical apartment style living situation. Everyone living in the house knows and gets along with each other quite well.

The house is not a co-op. We buy our own food, work separately, etc. We do enjoy hanging out, watching movies, cooking together from time to time, and sharing meals, but mostly live on our own. Most of us are creative type folks, and so there is a bit of that floating around and we like to have a good time. We are alcohol and 420 friendly, but no tobacco use inside the house. We trust you to clean on your own time, upkeep the common spaces, and be respectful of shared spaces. We have a pretty strict clean after you cook rule in the second floor kitchen, so unfortunately you won’t be able to slack on that/leave dishes in the sink. There is also a trash/recycling rotation in place.

Roommate Guide

- Be active and aware of what is going on in Slack
- Shoes off when you or guests enter the house ALWAYS
- Shut the front door behind you when you leave/enter ALWAYS
- Respect common areas. Clean up after yourself.
- Clean and maintain your bathroom.
- No loud noises between 10:00pm-10:00am.
- Be respectful of noise level in common areas. If you have friends over, please try to keep it down after 11:00pm, especially on weekdays.
- No smoking tobacco indoors.
- Only have 2 pairs of shoes in the mudroom at a time.
- Do not touch the thermostat. If you’re too hot/cold, message in the Slack.
- Trash & recycling go out to the curb on Sundays after 8:00pm
- Trash goes out Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday after 8:00pm
- Trash & recycling cans are by the garage.
- Pick up trash on the sidewalk outside of our house when you see it.

Second Floor Kitchen rules:

Clean up after yourself and always wipe down surfaces
Be mindful of fridge/freezer space.
Use appropriate tools on non-stick surfaces and be respectful of other people’s pots & pans.
Do not eat other people’s food without asking
Replace something (like a spice or oil) if you use the rest. Don’t use anyone’s expensive oil or spices without permission.
Be mindful of sharing the kitchen with others.

About This Lister

I am an audio engineer who travels frequently for work! Our space is best for folks who enjoy their own personal space but dont mind the idea of communal living. Being artsy is fitting and encouraged, but not essential! There are many creative people living in the house but we have others with more typical work structures as well. A solid mix of men and women, we keep our space very clean, but the most important neatfreak space is definitely the kitchen, where we have more strict rules about cleaning up after yourself due to the number of people using the kitchen.

Lister's Relationship to the Space


Rental requirements

No lease signing required, but would be great to video chat, and then have you come to the house to meet people. I will require at least half of the first month's rent as a deposit/financial commitment to subletting here, and then by October 1 would like to have the full month of October covered. Then November month due by 11/1 at the latest, full $2600 up front preferred.

In terms of subletting for a portion of this time, I am open to having a sublet for less than the full 2 month time period at an appropriately discounted rate.


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Phone 212-555-1212
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